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Everything you need to know about Motor Vehicle Record Check

If your business requires your employees to operate vehicle in order to do their job, you must make sure that you only hire employees with clean motor vehicle record. Motor Vehicle Record check is the best way to make sure of that.

What is Motor Vehicle Record Check?

An MVR, or motor vehicle record check, is a record of a person's vehicle that includes vehicle ownership, junk records, insurance claims, lien on the vehicle, reported theft and impound or export history etc.

How far back does and MVR look?

Each state has its own set of regulations governing the use of records to examine a person's driving behavior. The majority of states allow you to access the motor vehicle record for three to seven years, with three years being the most frequent.

Importance of MVR check

With MVR check, you can safeguard your employees, other road users, and your company's reputation. The purpose of MVR monitoring is to keep everyone safe as it provides insights into the candidate’s driving ability and tells how good of a driver the candidate is.

Moreover, MVR check can save your brand from negative headlines and costly negligent retention claims. When it comes to brand reputation management, you must always be on the lookout for a possible catastrophe. Quick and proactive capabilities are critical for protecting your company's hard-won brand reputation and image.

You can stay ahead of any possible risk to your business reputation by conducting motor vehicle record checks.

How often should you conduct MVR check?

MVRs are merely a glimpse of a person's vehicle history as you only have data from the moment the report was ordered. However, it is possible for your employee to break the rule or cause a hazardous accident after the check was done. This is why MVR check should be done on a frequent basis as conducting it once a year may not be enough for some businesses.

How to conduct MVR Check?

Every country has its own set of regulations and procedures for obtaining a person's motor vehicle record. De RISC Group can make the procedure easier for you by assisting you with our comprehensive Motor Vehicle Record Check.